(Black Panther Party) The Black Panther Black Community News Service, Volume I, Number 3, June 20, 1967. Oakland, Calif.: The Black Panther Party For Self Defense, June 20, 1967. FIRST EDITION; SIGNED BY KATHLEEN CLEAVER ABOVE THE BPP LOGO OF A CROUCHING BLACK PANTHER IN THE MASTHEAD; a Letter of Authenticity from PSA/DNA (Cert. No. AQ07604) certifying the authenticity of the signature accompanies this lot. Elephant folio - 17-1/2" x 11-3/8". 8 pp. The Black Panther Black Community News Service was a weekly newspaper published by the Black Panther Party between 1967-1980. Each issue featured a range of articles and op-eds on the activities of the Party, Black Power, police brutality, communism, party leadership, etc. The back of most issues featured revolutionary artwork by the graphic artist and Black Panther Minister of Culture, Emory Douglas.
The headline on the front page of this issue reads: "Panthers Demand Independence For N. Richmond Area;" following this is "On Revolutionary Art," a poem and drawing by Emory [Douglas] which put the White Establishment on notice that Blacks were not going to accept the position in America that the White Establishment had relegated them to.
Articles in this issue include: "In Defense of Self Defense," 10-Point "What We Want Now!" and 10-Point "What We Believe" by Huey P. Newton, BPP Minister of Defense. "Remember the Words of Brother Malcolm X," "Everyday Life in the Black Ghetto," "A Salute to Brother Stokely," more revolutionary artwork by Emory Douglas, several ads for local businesses and two notices of upcoming rallies that the Black Panthers were participating in.,
The back page features the 14-Point "Pocket Lawyer of Legal First Aid" and a full length portrait of Mohammad Ali by Emory Douglas captioned "You're the Champ. Sock it to Theme [sic]!" followed by a quote attributed to Ali: "No, I am not going 10,000 miles to help murder and kill and burn other people simply to help continue the domination of white slave masters over the dark people the world over. This is the day and age when such evil injustice must come to an end;" the paper is age-tanned and folded as issued, with only minimal signs of the handling and wear that is the norm for these newspapers. The condition of the newspaper is NEAR FINE. RARE; JUST THE THIRD ISSUE OF THIS INFLUENTIAL PAPER SIGNED BY KATHLEEN CLEAVER, BPP COMMUNICATIONS SECRETARY AND WIFE OF ELDRIDGE CLEAVER, BPP MINISTER OF INFORMATION. IN THIS ISSUE, THE PANTERS COME OUT SWINGING, LETTING THE WHITE ESTABLISHMENT KNOW THAT INDEED A NEW DAY HAD DAWNED IN AMERICA. # 001244