(Black Panther Party) THE BLACK PANTHER BLACK COMMUNITY NEWS SERVICE, VOL. III, NO. 29, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1969. San Francisco, CA: The Black Panther Party Ministry of Information, November 15, 1969. FIRST EDITION. Elephant folio - 17-1/2" x 11-3/8". 20 pp. The Black Panther Black Community News Service was a weekly newspaper published by the Black Panther Party between 1967-1980. Each issue featured a range of articles and op-eds on the activities of the party, black power, police brutality, communism, party leadership, etc. The back of most issues featured revolutionary artwork by the graphic artist and Black Panther Minister of Culture, Emory Douglas. The front page of this issue features a headline reading "In Vietnam the Vietnamese say 'If the enemy refuses to get out annihilate him!'" along with an Emory Douglas illustration of a pig labeled "U.S.A. Patriot" being bombed by bombs labeled "U.S.A." as he drags the body of a dead pig labeled "U.S.A. Direct Participation," all of this is superimposed over a photographic reproduction of two soldiers in the field. The centerfold article is by Chairman Bobby Seale and is titled "Message to all Progressive Forces" with a photographic reproduction of Seale and artwork by Emory Douglas of a group of armed Black people with the heading "Our Fight is not with Vietnam;" additional articles include: "The Chicago 8," "Judicial Terror Poses as Law and Order," "Can Capitalism Exist Without Racism" and "Another Black Man Used For Target Practice." The back page with a reproduction of a Journalist Union of Cuba poster used to point out the importance of journalism in the struggle against Yankee Imperialism; the paper is very lightly age-tanned and folded as issued with none of the condition issues that is the norm with these newspapers. The condition of the newspaper is FINE. No copies located on WorldCat. RARE, and the only FINE example I have ever handled. # 001171